Category: health and wellness

Kick Your Pain Without Opioids: Physical Therapy Can Help Nov20th 2020

Kick Your Pain Without Opioids: Physical Therapy Can Help

Millions of people struggle with chronic pain. Whether it’s from an accident or an ongoing medical condition, living with debilitating pain can be extremely difficult. Opioids may seem like a quick and easy way to eliminate the pain you’re experiencing. There are several important reasons, however, why you should avoid opioid medication if at all

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Back pain Nov10th 2020

What do you think is causing your back pain? Could it be a herniated disc? Find out.

Has anyone ever told you they have a “slipped disc”? This term is actually a misnomer since discs don’t really “slip” but either degenerate, bulge, or herniate. Fortunately, a physical therapist can treat all these issues! The latter condition, called a disc herniation, occurs when the outer layer of the disc tears. This allows the

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Feeling Achy Oct20th 2020

4 Things To Do if You Wake Up Feeling Achy

Why are you feeling achy and stiff in the morning? Could it be an old, ill-suited mattress? An unsupportive pillow? A poor sleeping position? Do you have an underlying health condition like osteoarthritis? What about dehydration? Maybe it’s a combination of these issues, or maybe it’s something else entirely. Whatever the reason, a.m. stiffness is

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